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A BREAKTHROUGH SYSTEM for Restoring Oral Tolerance

Video: Why Leaky Gut Management Is Not Enough

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I’m Dr. Datis Kharrazian, and I’d like to personally invite you to enroll in my life-changing new online course, the 3D Immune Tolerance Program available this September. Whether you suffer from multiple food sensitivities, chemical sensitivities, or autoimmunity disease, I’ll show you exactly how to restore tolerance to your immune system.

My course has helped thousands of patients calm down their overactive immune system, and greatly improve their overall quality of life. Restoring oral tolerance is achieved by addressing immune system imbalances through diet, lifestyle, and supplementation.

To ensure it’s easy-to-follow, I’ve provided delicious recipes guides, workbooks, short instructional videos, and an online community to support you during the program.

By following the recommendations in my 3D Immune Tolerance Program, in a short time you’ll notice that your reactions to food proteins and chemicals greatly improve.

An Exaggerated Immune Response is Called Loss of Immune Tolerance

Today, food and chemical sensitivities have exploded in the general population, and can adversely affect your physical and emotional health. And they always start when the immune system becomes hyperactive.

That’s why tolerance depends on how aggressively your immune system reacts or doesn’t react against foods. If you suffer from multiple food sensitives, your integrative practitioner or online community may have concluded the culprit is leaky gut.

Have you tried various approaches for leaky gut, such as glutamine and other supplements, and followed a restricted diet with little or no success? Here’s what you need to understand…

You see, leaky gut is only one part of the picture of an over-exaggerated immune response. Many people notice that over time in following a restricted diet, they start reacting to an increasing number of foods.

All of a sudden, they react to broccoli. Next, they can’t eat chicken anymore. And then it’s something else. They start strictly limiting the foods they’re eating to get through the day. Some people are reduced to only a small handful of foods they can tolerate.

As time passes, they also begin to react to chemicals in their environment, and can no longer tolerate cleaning products, soaps, detergents, plastics, formaldehyde, fire retardants in furniture and mattresses, perfumes and scents, and more. Then EMFs, molds, pollens, and other things in the environment.

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Are You Showing The Early Warning Signs of Autoimmune Disease?

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A patient who has become intolerant of a growing list of foods, chemicals, and other things in their environment is at high risk of developing an autoimmune disease — or developing second, third, or even more autoimmune diseases.

The most commonly seen one is Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroid disease. Patients also suffer from autoimmunity attacks against their joints or they develop rheumatoid arthritis. Even more disturbing but little understood are autoimmune attacks in the brain. If you are becoming increasingly sensitive to foods, you’re already losing the really critical immune pathway in your body called tolerance.

If this tolerance mechanism continues to degrade, then you go from reacting to foods and chemicals and eventually your immune system starts to actually attack your own tissue. And that’s called loss of self-tolerance — the stage when autoimmune disease develops.

That’s why you need to manage the expression of your immune system before it’s too late, and the 3D Immune Tolerance Program will show you exactly how.

So, why does the immune system become overactive?

Many Culprits in Modern Society Have Completely Disrupted Our Immune System

In today’s world, we must battle against many different factors to maintain immune tolerance.

Chemicals and pesticides in our food, genetically modified foods (GMOs), hybridized foods, industrial processing, high sugar content, sedentary and stressful lifestyle factors, and toxins in our home and the environment are just a few that the human immune system must defend us against.

All of these culprits combined with genetic susceptibility can trigger exaggerated immune reactions to the many everyday things we’re exposed to. These means you begin to live in a state of chronic inflammation.

Symptoms depend on the person’s genetic but often include fatigue, depression, brain fog, skin reactions, asthma, chronic pain, mucous congestion, and other symptoms of intolerance.

The 3 Types of Tolerance

The first important thing is to learn the three different types of tolerance: food, chemical, and self (autoimmune). And then you need to understand what loss of these three types of tolerance does to your body.

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    This is your body’s ability to appropriately respond to food. In immunology literature, this is also referred to as oral tolerance. If you are reacting to more and more foods, that’s a clue that you’re losing your dietary protein tolerance.

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    You may notice increased chemical sensitivity to things that never bothered you before, which is a sign you’re losing your chemical tolerance. Some of these items are detergents, cleaning products, soaps, shampoos, perfumes, plastics, car exhaust, and more.

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    The danger is as your hyper-sensitivity increases, you develop an autoimmune disease due to your worsening immune tolerance. Self tolerance is our immune system’s ability to not attack our own tissue and develop autoimmune disease.

So, losing tolerance anywhere along the spectrum of dietary protein, chemical, or self is a sign your immune system has become dysfunctional.

The Dangers of a Restrictive Diet

Are you eating like a bird to try and control your food sensitivities?

Big mistake!

If you’ve developed food intolerances, overly limiting your diet is the worst thing you can do for your immune system and overall health.

If you start to eliminate vast numbers of foods, and eat the same breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, you create less diversity in the gut microbiome. As a result, many people end up with more food intolerances, more chemical intolerances, and worsened autoimmunity.

Many patients don’t get better because they only try one piece of the puzzle, when improving tolerance is much more complex than a leaky gut diet and protocol.

The key to improving immune tolerance isn’t simply taking one magic supplement or eating the same restricted diet every single day.

For the best result, you need to understand the many parts and pathways of the immune system that are involved, and why you develop health problems in the first place.

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The 3 Key Principles for Improving Your Tolerance….



Our gut contains different bacterial species called the microbiome. The microbiome is totally impacted by your diet and what you eat. When people lose their tolerance and they receive an evaluation, they usually get diagnosed with things like leaky gut. We discover their food diversity had become extremely limited, which limited their gut and bacteria diversity, which promotes more immune activity. So, the key to increase tolerance is to enhance and diversify the microbiome.



This takes place when you have healthy T-reg cells. And when you have antigens that not causing overzealous responses in the gut. So, a key focus in our approach is to enhance things to activate T-reg cells to optimize the immune system’s ability to distinguish antigens.



We’re all constantly getting bombarded with chemicals in the home and environment. And this constant exposure can actually impact your tolerance through different pathways. Our approach helps you greatly reduce the chemicals you’re exposed to and reduce your toxic load. By doing so, you’ll calm down overactive antigens cells or active security guards, and the main ones are dendritic cells in the gut and Kupffer cells in the liver.

The 3D Immune Tolerance program will show you how all three principles need to work together, along with diet, nutraceuticals, and lifestyle changes to really make a big difference.

You’ll Learn Diet, Lifestyle, and Supplement Recommendations So You Can Enjoy Food Again

In my 3D Immune Tolerance Program, I’ve made it simple to integrate into your lifestyle an effective protocol that will make major differences in how you feel, and how your immune system reacts to food, chemicals, and your environment.

I’ve taught this protocol to thousands of healthcare professionals throughout the world, and it has been used successfully by thousands of patients who were suffering from chronic food sensitivities, multiple food sensitivities, chemical sensitivities, and autoimmunity.

It’s based on more than 20 years of experiences working with patients throughout the U.S. and Europe, breakthrough scientific research, and my own time-tested strategies for restoring oral tolerance.

By the end of the course, you’ll have a complete understanding of the many variables that impact your immune tolerance, and how to successfully implement diet and lifestyle changes.

Dr. Kharrazian Will Personally Teach You…

  • How to restore oral tolerance
  • Why things go wrong in the gut
  • How to maximize your microbiome
  • Diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations
  • The real cause of food sensitivities
  • What is immune tolerance
  • Overcoming chemical sensitivities
  • The dangers of a restrictive diet
  • How the gut immune system works
  • How to use supplements
  • Understanding food sensitivity tests
  • Reducing toxic load

Dr. Kharrazian is the Worldwide Leader in Treating and Preventing Immunological Disorders

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Datis Kharrazian, PhD, DHSc, DC, MS, MMSc, FACN, is a Harvard Medical School trained researcher, clinical research scientist, academic professor, and a functional medicine health care provider. Dr. Kharrazian also holds a Master of Medical Science degree (MMSc) in Clinical Investigation from Harvard Medical School. He is a member of the Harvard Medical Alumni Association and the American Association of Immunologists.

Today, Dr. Kharrazian’s clinical models of functional medicine are used by several academic institutions, and thousands of healthcare clinics and practices throughout the world.

He maintains a private practice in San Diego, California, and consults with patients from all over the world who are seeking non-pharmaceutical alternatives. His practice is focused on developing a personalized medical approach using diet, nutrition, and lifestyle approaches.

After decades of analyzing thousands of studies and working with patients from the United States and around the globe, Dr. Kharrazian has developed never-taught-before clinical strategies to successfully restore oral tolerance.

Register Today for $149

Receive Instant Access To The Complete
3D Immune Tolerance Program, Including:

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20 Videos Led by Dr. Datis Kharrazian


Workbooks and Ebooks

Environment Toxins
Evaluation Guide


Produce Diversity Guide


Oral Tolerance Supplement Recommendations


Microbiome Diversity Diary

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Oral Tolerance
Recipe Guide


Microbiome Mashup Recipe Collection

Plus the Extra Bonus:
Food Sensitivity Solutions

11 Steps to Restoring Oral Tolerance
So You Can Eat More Foods

($59 value)

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Why is Dr. Kharrazian’s 3D Immune Tolerance Program Different?

  • Dr. Kharrazian is an actual clinician who has been successfully treating immunological conditions in the United States and Europe for more than 20 years.
  • Dr. Kharrazian has worked with countless real-life patient scenarios and developed proven strategies to address commonly overlooked issues.
  • Dr. Kharrazian is a scientist who has published original research on intestinal permeability, zonulin, celiac disease, the brain-gut axis, and gastrointestinal-related disorders.
  • Dr. Kharrazian has been an innovator in the field of functional medicine since its inception.
  • Dr. Kharrazian stays continually up-to-date with the latest scientific and medical research.
  • Dr. Kharrazian has published a number of immunology studies in the most respected medical journals in the world.
  • Dr. Kharrazian was trained as a clinical investigator at Harvard Medical School (Master of Medical Science in Clinical Investigation) and can effectively share with you the most relevant research.


Dr. Kharrazian has been a prominent educator and highly-respected clinician in the functional medicine community since the inception of functional medicine. He is an expert clinician and an innovator in this field.

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    Mark Hyman, MD
    Cleveland Clinic, Director of Center for Functional Medicine
    Chairman, Institute for Functional Medicine
    Ten-time, New York Times Best Selling Author

Dr. Kharrazian’s work represents the vanguard in our understanding of the role of lifestyle choices in charting the brain’s destiny. His highly effective educational outreach has opened the door for countless healthcare providers, allowing them to dramatically increase their effectiveness in treating and indeed preventing so many of the pernicious conditions that plague our modern society.

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    David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM
    Author, #1 New York Times Bestselling books, Grain Brain and Brain Maker

Dr. Kharrazian is a brilliant clinician educator that has inspired many as we learn the principles of Functional Medicine, myself included. He is superb at teaching clinicians the power of using functional medicine oriented history and physical examination to understand and then address the root causes of disease and health. Integrating the latest research and years of clinical experience, Dr. Kharrazian, is an international leader in Functional Medicine.

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    Terry Wahls, MD, IFMCP
    New York Times Best selling author of The Wahls Protocal – How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine
    Clinical professor of Medicine, University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine

Dr. Kharrazian is one of the greatest minds in the functional medicine space. He’s a trailblazer and an innovator. His courses are gold and his direction is wise. If you’re in healthcare and are ready to be on the right side of history, study with this man.

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    Pedram Shojai, OMD
    Author, New York Times Bestselling book, The Urban Monk
    Founder of


Dr. Datis Kharrazian is one of the most powerful clinicians of our time. From the lab to the clinic, he has studied, vetted, and applied his cutting edge science to heal patients all over the world. I consider him to be a foremost authority in a systems approach to recovery and wellness.

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    Kelly Brogan, MD, ABIHM
    Author, New York Times Bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own

I have had the pleasure of knowing Dr. Kharrazian for more than a decade and observing his professional growth and impact as a key opinion leader in the field of Functional Neurology. He is voracious in his pursuit of learning and skill development. His pursuit of post-graduate studies at Harvard in research methods has embellished his already significant expertise in systems medicine and its application to Functional Medicine. He has a unique skill in making complex information accessible to his students and patients alike which is a measure of an individual who is a master of his field. Dr. Kharrazian is a humble, quietly competent leader who leads by example and his presence. The Functional Medicine field is rapidly evolving, and it is through the work and leadership of a select group of professionals of which Dr. Kharrazian is a recognized leader that it is growing in both its adoption and successful application to the treatment of complex chronic diseases. It is truly a pleasure to call Dr. Kharrazian both a colleague and friend in our mutual advocacy in the development and application of Functional Medicine.

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    Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, FACB
    Co-Founder, Institute of Functional Medicine
    President, Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute

Dr. Kharrazian is a brilliant pioneer in innovative treatments for thyroid, brain and autoimmune health. His work and his deep care and compassion for patients is truly a gift to us all, and has transformed and empowered countless lives — mine included. I am deeply grateful for his contributions and dedication to uncovering the root causes of disease and for sharing his findings so generously!

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    Izabella Wentz, Pharm D, FASCP
    Author, New York Times Bestselling book, Hashimoto’s Root Cause

Are You Ready to Say “Yes!” to Improved Immune Tolerance for a Lifetime?

Please sign up today for instant access to the course. If in the next 30 days you don’t feel it’s right for you, simply email our support team we’ll refund you 100% of the course fee.”


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