Gut inflammation is linked to depression

Depression is not an antidepressant deficiency. In fact, for the 40% of Americans complaining of gut symptoms, depression may be one of those symptoms. Studies have found that the inflammatory signals in the gut can travel to the brain, triggering depression. Clinically, I have seen many patients resolve their depression simply by dampening gut inflammation.…

9 ways to use the autoimmune diet to manage autoimmune and Hashimoto’s symptoms

The autoimmune elimination-provocation (AEP) diet serves multiple purposes. It helps heal leaky gut, identify immune-reactive foods, and calm the immune system to manage autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s. Around ten years ago, bloggers rebranded this diet as the “autoimmune paleo,” or AIP, diet. However, I prefer the long-used original term “elimination-provocation diet.” Many people wonder what…

How Hypothyroidism causes depression and anxiety

How hypothyroidism causes depression and anxiety

Listen to the podcast on iTunes. (Also available on major podcast platforms). Watch the YouTube video. If you struggle with chronic depression, anxiety, or other mood disorders, you may suffer from undiagnosed hypothyroidism. A thyroid hormone deficiency can cause multiple brain-based symptoms. This is because thyroid hormones play an important role in the function of many areas…

Seven ways the thyroid affects gut health

How hypothyroidism affects gut health

Listen to the podcast on iTunes. (Also available on major podcast platforms). Watch the YouTube video. If you’ve been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, you should know low thyroid function can impact your gut health. This is why it’s important to properly manage the underlying mechanisms of your hypothyroidism. An intimate relationship exists between your gastrointestinal tract and your…

the #1 rule of gut heatlh

The #1 Rule of Gut Health

Listen to the podcast on iTunes. (Also available on major podcast platforms). Watch the YouTube video. If you have gut health issues such as inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS), leaky gut, chronic bloating, or constipation, you need to work north-to-south to identify and address problems. Disruptions at any stage of the digestive process have a domino-like effect, preventing…

causes and solutions for bloating

Causes and solutions for chronic bloating

Listen to the podcast on iTunes or major podcast platforms. Watch the video on YouTube. Chronic bloating and abdominal distention are common gut health complaints. In this article I’ll go over the various causes and solutions. First, it’s important to address the obvious. If you eat the standard American diet, which is high sugar, carbs,…


7 Ways Hypothyroidism Affects Your Body and Brain

Listen to the Podcast. Watch the video. A thyroid hormone deficiency slows metabolism and disrupts many basic bodily functions. When looking to understand your thyroid symptoms, you need to understand: What is causing your underactive thyroid in the first place. The impact hypothyroidism can have on both your physical health and your brain function if…

Woman holding abdomen in pain

Bloating and poor digestion? Three causes of low pancreatic enzymes

If you experience bloating and poor digestion, you may need to take a look at whether you’re producing enough pancreatic enzymes. This is an important step in addressing digestive dysfunction in an organized “north-to-south” sequence. If any single step along the way is out of balance, the entire system will be less efficient and any…

hand rolling dice with letters spelling north and south

My number-one gut health rule: Work north to south

One of the biggest mistakes people make with gut health protocols is expecting success from a one-size-fits-all solution. Ten different people can have leaky gut or other gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms for 10 different reasons. It’s important to understand why your gut isn’t working before you try and fix it. The most effective clinical approach —…