Antibodies Don’t Determine Autoimmune Severity: You must interpret levels from your baseline

While elevated antibodies are used to diagnose autoimmunity, antibody levels do not necessarily reflect the severity of autoimmune expression. If your antibodies are elevated on a lab test, but you are managing your autoimmunity and feel good, you are probably in remission. If your antibody levels are lower and your autoimmune symptoms are raging out…

How Hypothyroidism causes depression and anxiety

How hypothyroidism causes depression and anxiety

Listen to the podcast on iTunes. (Also available on major podcast platforms). Watch the YouTube video. If you struggle with chronic depression, anxiety, or other mood disorders, you may suffer from undiagnosed hypothyroidism. A thyroid hormone deficiency can cause multiple brain-based symptoms. This is because thyroid hormones play an important role in the function of many areas…

Brain fog and fatigue? Avoid These Risk Factors to Prevent Brain Inflammation

In my interview with Dhru Purohit of Dr. Mark Hyman’s Broken Brain Podcast series I talk about risk factors to prevent brain inflammation. Common symptoms of brain inflammation are brain fog, fatigue, memory loss, and depression. Many brain-based symptoms that most people think are a normal part of aging are not — they are symptoms…

Gluten is primarily a brain issue and a common trigger of brain autoimmunity

Research shows most cases of gluten sensitivity manifest in the brain — not the gut. Gluten’s impact on the brain is so well established that some researchers refer to gluten sensitivity as a neurological disease. Gluten is one of the most immune reactive foods — no other food is more of a trigger for neurological dysfunction…

Dear Doctor: One patient’s frank insight into brain injury, mental health, and chronic illness

Mathias is a patient who has been working with Dr. Kharrazian to manage his sports-related brain injury and related chronic health conditions. He has shared this as an open letter to all practitioners. It is posted here with his permission. This is a follow-up to my case history. It has been an intense struggle to…