When thyroid hormones don’t relieve depression

Also: Amazon reviews, recent podcast interviews, and the functional neurology conference (bottom of post) Depression is a common symptom of hypothyroidism, yet many people become frustrated when their thyroid hormone medication does not relieve depression. This is because the effects of hypothyroidism on the brain are more complicated than people realize and thyroid hormone medication…

Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism immune basics

About 90 percent of hypothyroidism cases in the United States are due to Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that attacks and destroys the thyroid gland. It’s important to identify Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism because you then know it is the immune system you must address, although thyroid hormone medication may still be necessary. How to test for Hashimoto’s…

Eating gluten increases the need for thyroid hormones

A new study shows Hashimoto’s patients with symptomless celiac disease (i.e., no digestive complaints) require 49 percent more T4 to achieve the same TSH levels as non-celiac Hashimoto’s patients. After the patients followed a gluten-free diet for 11 months their TSH levels came down with the same T4 requirement as the non-celiac Hashimoto’s patients. Gluten…

The hypothyroid athlete

Competitive athletes seem unlikely candidates for hypothyroidism, a disease that frequently causes fatigue, depression, and malaise. But some athletes are surprised to learn their dwindling performance and failure to build muscle stems from improperly managed hypothyroidism. The fact that athletes are typically fit and slender makes it easy for doctors to overlook their symptoms. And…


This page shows some resources we have discovered that will help you on your journey to more healthful eating and better brain health. The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook from Mickey Trescott and Angie Alt is a comprehensive guide to living with autoimmune disease. The authors discuss seven steps to managing autoimmunity: inform,…