When thyroid hormones don’t relieve depression

Also: Amazon reviews, recent podcast interviews, and the functional neurology conference (bottom of post) Depression is a common symptom of hypothyroidism, yet many people become frustrated when their thyroid hormone medication does not relieve depression. This is because the effects of hypothyroidism on the brain are more complicated than people realize and thyroid hormone medication…

Preventing and treating autism, ADHD, Tourette’s, OCD

New book talks about preventing and treating childhood brain disorders Does your child have ADHD, autism, Tourette’s, OCD, dyslexia, learning disabilities, or another brain-based disorder? Or perhaps you’re having second thoughts about conceiving because the risks of giving birth to a child who develops autism, ADHD, or other brain development disorders is so much higher…

Changing your diet is the first step in addressing Hashimoto’s

When it comes to addressing hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s, certain nutritional and herbal compounds are invaluable. All the supplements in the world, however, will fall short if you fail to make the necessary dietary changes to support your condition. Americans are infatuated with pills, thanks to decades of conditioning from the pharmaceutical industry. It doesn’t matter…