I speak from experience when I tell you that Dr. Kharrazian’s education has been pivotal in every aspect of my practice. By attending his courses, I have learned how to properly manage and care for my patients in the forefront of the functional medicine and functional neurology world. His curriculum has been my foundation for building seven thriving functional medicine clinics. If you are looking for a course that can immediately change and shape your practice for the better, I encourage you to choose his. By following Dr. Kharrazian’s guidance and example, I have gained the knowledge and skills to do what I love, help others. I couldn’t ask for a more rewarding career path.

Founder of Red River Health and Wellness Center
Author, The Truth About Low Thyroid

Joshua Redd, DC, MS

Dr. Kharazzian’s teachings have made more of a difference for helping my patients than anything else I’ve studied. I’m a Medical Doctor Board Certified in Integrative Medicine; I’ve completed the IFM certification courses, a Preventive Medicine Residency, plus I’m currently completing the Fellowship in Anti-Aging Metabolic and Functional Medicine modules. Of course, I’ve learned from all these studies. Yet, Dr. Kharrazian’s way of explaining things has been the most clear and relevant for helping both myself and my patients best understand the underlying causes and interactions involved with complicated multi-system illnesses. His treatment recommendations are the most efficient and effective game changers for my chronic patients who have suffered for years without finding help. Working now with the UC Irvine Integrative Health Institute, our team is excited to be able to start training students from the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Allied Health. Dr. Kharrazian’s educational materials will continue to be a significant part of my practice. I’m thankful beyond words for all he’s contributed to both my personal health and my professional growth.

University of California Irvine Integrative Health Institute

Pearl Zimmerman, MD, MPH

I would not be vibrantly healthy today if not for Datis Kharriazian’s contributions to the autoimmune and thyroid health communities. His work continues to have an enormous impact both with practitioners as well as individual patients seeking better health.

The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook

Mickey Trescott, NTP

Dr. Kharrazian is a brilliant pioneer in innovative treatments for thyroid, brain and autoimmune health. His work and his deep care and compassion for patients is truly a gift to us all, and has transformed and empowered countless lives — mine included. I am deeply grateful for his contributions and dedication to uncovering the root causes of disease and for sharing his findings so generously!

Author, New York Times Bestselling book, Hashimoto’s Root Cause

Izabella Wentz, Pharm D, FASCP

An outstanding visionary and leader, Dr. Kharrazian has had an immeasurable impact on the field of natural medicine and on the lives and practices of thousands of patients and healthcare professionals. It’s always an honor to be in his presence.

Author, Body Ecology Diet

Donna Gates, Med, ABAAHP

Datis Kharrazian is truly among the great medical geniuses of our time. His capacity to think outside the box and coherently connect a myriad of dots amidst all of the overwhelming cavalcade of conflicting and often confusing information is virtually second to none. He brings genuinely cutting edge and unique, transformative insights to the table that others have missed along the way and for this we should all be eternally grateful.

Author, Primal Body, Primal Mind and Primal Fat Burner

Nora Gedgaudas, CNS, NTP, BCHN

Dr. Datis Kharrazian is a one-of-a-kind clinician whose passion for research and evidence-based medicine led him to spend years in laboratories such as Immunosciences Lab in California and Cyrex Labs in Arizona, as well as in universities such as Harvard Medical School, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Bastyr University California, and Lincoln College of Professional, Graduate and Continuing Education. In these centers of study and research he used his own time and resources in order to get to the root causes of thyroid and many endocrine and autoimmune disorders.

Faculty Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Author, Neuroimmunology and the Brain-Gut Connection

Aristo Vojdani, PhD, MSc, CLS

Dr. Datis Kharrazian is one of the top thought leaders within integrative and functional medicine, especially with respect to immunity and neurological health. One of his many skills is how he effectively translates the latest, emerging research into seamless clinical application.

Author, The Rainbow Diet and Whole Detox

Deanna Minich, PhD, MS, FACN, CNS, IFMCP

Dr. Kharrazian is a skilled clinician as well as researcher. He is a leader in functional medicine, always looking to discover the root cause of illness or dysfunction in the body and most importantly uncovering novel therapies to improve optimal function. We are always learning from Datis and appreciate what he shares with patients and colleagues to help patients improve.

Medical Director of The UltraWellness Center

Elizabeth Boham, MD, RD

Dr. Datis Kharrazzian is leading one of the most important movements in medicine. His decades of hands on experience, matched with unique educational style are what make him so sought after.

Founder and CEO, Evolution of Medicine

James Maskell