Beyond erectile dysfunction: Male hormones and autoimmunity, inflammation, and brain health

While male hormone imbalance is not a topic that gets as much press as female hormone imbalance, it is nevertheless vital to men’s health and well-being. It is important for practitioners and patients to understand the factors that underlie male hormone imbalances so the root caused can be addressed, instead of routing patients automatically to…

Protect your brain and body from stress: Adrenal adaptogens and phosphatidylserine

Stress is one of the most potent contributors to autoimmune and chronic disease. While it’s important to address sources of stress in your life, whether they are psychological, dietary, chemical, or personal — we can never be completely free of stress. However, we can support the body’s stress-management systems to better manage autoimmune, chronic inflammatory,…

Omega-3 fats necessary to dampen inflammation and autoimmunity

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are naturally occurring fats that our bodies cannot produce. Instead, they must come from whole food sources or supplements. EFAs are critical to help dampen inflammation and autoimmunity, promote blood vessel health, support healthy skin growth, give the hormones the precursors they need to remain balanced, and support healthy brain and…

Dampen inflammation by supporting regulatory T cells

Reducing inflammation is integral to managing autoimmune disease and other chronic disorders. To be effective in reducing inflammation, it’s important to understand some basics. One great way to minimize inflammation is to support the immune system’s regulatory T cell function with simple dietary and lifestyle habits. These daily strategies can profoundly impact how you feel…